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Triplets For The Dragon Page 7
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Page 7
After the kiss, Macy caught her breath and asked, “It’ll be a bit sweaty, won’t it?”
“Mm-hmm,” said Aaron. “I like it sweaty. Don’t tell me: you’ve never spent the whole weekend naked with someone, you’ve never had anyone do it to you in a gym, you’ve never had it sweaty…”
“I beg your pardon,” she interjected. “I have so spent a whole weekend with a man.”
She made a mock frown at him. “Not the whole time…”
“Then you’re overdue,” Aaron said. “Now let’s get in that damn shower for what I told you I want to do there, then I’ll make us a late breakfast.”
Macy sighed with sexy anticipation. “Now, why am I guessing you have something sexy planned for the kitchen and/or the dining room?”
“Because you’re getting to know me, and because I do.” He kissed her purposefully. “Now let’s go.”
So, they slipped themselves out of the sheets and made their way naked across the suite to the master bath, grabbing and fondling each other’s bottoms all the way.
It came as no surprise to Macy that the master bath was itself the size of a spacious, high-end studio apartment, all done up in shining tiles. It was likewise not a surprise that the bathing area itself, enclosed by glass with one sliding section, was a deep, sunken space large enough for two adult weredragons in semi-dragon form. A dragon man inside there could unfurl his wings at least halfway and fully uncoil his tail. It was the perfect place, obviously, for a billionaire dragon man to clean himself up. Or be very dirty, then get clean.
As prudish and provincial as it sounded, Macy knew they’d be getting very “dirty” in the shower this morning. Aaron slid open the shower door and beckoned her inside, his eyes glinting with their shared knowledge of what else he’d be sliding open—and sliding into.
They washed and rinsed each other up and down and all over, which made Aaron’s monster erection all the more livid. It throbbed and bobbed at her in the sexiest way, and after Aaron shut off the water, he crushed her against his massive, slippery-wet chest and took her in a kiss steamier than the clouds from the shower. Macy played with his prodigious prong, anticipating having it in her again. But first things first: Aaron, in mid-kiss, supported her with a hand at the small of her back and lowered her down carefully onto the tiled floor of the shower stall. They were soaked and drenched all over, ready to enjoy each other’s newly cleaned bodies. Taking full advantage of the room inside the shower, Aaron opened Macy’s legs and sank his face between them. He sucked and licked at her sex, French-kissing her passage and using his fingertip on her bud, drawing from Macy sounds of delight that reverberated and rippled off the glass walls of the shower. A long wail and a clenching of her body and arching of her back told Aaron that he had accomplished one part of the mission and that it was time for the next part. He descended upon her for a deep, hard screwing, their dripping bodies merging and fusing together. Macy reflexively brought up her thighs around him, and Aaron humped and thrashed on top of her in time with his deep and forceful thrusts. This time, their mixed voices bounced off the steamed walls of the shower until one long grunt from Aaron signaled his climax and release, sending the wetness from inside him deep into her. He pushed his crotch against Macy’s mound with a throbbing beat to match the throb of his tool until he was satisfied that he’d given her every drop of his outpouring before he finally pulled out.
They returned to the bedroom, Aaron with a towel draped over his shoulders and Macy with another towel wrapped around her body. Aaron went to the closet to get her something to wear to breakfast—“not that you’re going to have it on for very long”—and returned to her with the most sensuous black silk robe that Macy had ever seen.
“You keep a ladies’ silk robe in your closet?” Macy asked Aaron with a knowing arch of an eyebrow.
“Hospitality,” Aaron replied mischievously and handed her the robe.
Slipping on the flowing thing of black silk, Macy turned her back to him just for a moment and faced the chest of drawers and the mirror on one side of the room. “I didn’t bring anything but the clothes I was wearing when I showed up at the party,” she said, teasing her damp and disheveled locks with her fingers. “What am I going to do about my hair?”
“More hospitality,” replied Aaron, and stepped around her to fetch something from one of the drawers. He turned back to her, holding out a woman’s hairbrush.
“You’re ready for everything,” she said, taking the brush from him.
“Hell yeah,” he answered. “Especially when I’m entertaining a lady.”
Aaron stepped aside and let her go to the mirror and brush her hair. He stood just over her shoulder where she could see his reflection behind hers, and rubbed at his own hair with his towel. She ran her eyes up and down the body that she had so been enjoying and admired the thick hose hanging long at his crotch. It would not take much, she knew, to have that thing ready for business again. She decided to turn her attention fully to making herself a little more presentable for further ravishing, and concentrated on her hair—until something on the top of the dresser caught her eye.
Two figurines stood there. They were representations of two dragon beings, each in half-human form. They were dressed in clingy, silvery garments, as if they were dragon astronauts of some sort. Macy suspected who and what the figures were, but she brought up the subject to Aaron anyway…
“You seem to have a couple of art objects that you don’t keep in the gallery.”
“Hmm?” Aaron reacted.
She turned halfway round towards him and indicated the figurines. “There on your dresser—those two.”
“Oh, them,” Aaron said. “Yes, I prefer to keep them in here. I don’t know what you’d call it: historical interest, good luck charms… I like to have them in a more personal space than my gallery. Do you know their names?”
“I’ve probably heard them,” replied Macy. “But I’ve forgotten.”
“They’re Achthar and Nahvog, the Vonsahlans—our originators.”
Macy stared at the little statues, fascinated at what they represented. “Can you imagine the way the people living in Kinross Green must have felt all those years ago, when they discovered that these two had just appeared out of nowhere right outside their village? How frightened they must have been—terrified, really, at something that looked like things they’d heard stories about all their lives, passed down from one generation to the next. And the technology—they were dragons, sure enough, but magical dragons at that. Or at least that was the way they looked.”
“Exactly. Because when it’s advanced enough, technology looks magical,” Aaron agreed.
“Dragon people from another dimension, riding in a ship that could travel from one universe to another. Today, just knowing that these beings existed flips people’s minds, and we’ve split the atom and been to space and mapped the DNA molecule and created computers and an Internet. But back then, no one even dreamed about things like what we’ve done today, and along came these beings… Were they gods? Were they monsters? Were they both? The Scots at that time just had no way of dealing with the existence of anything like Achthar and Nahvog.”
“Really,” said Aaron. “How were humans supposed to deal with anything strange and different from somewhere outside their world when it’s hard enough for them just to deal with the differences between themselves? No offense…”
“No, no, you’re right,” said Macy. “We’ve always had a hard time accepting what’s different. It scares us, threatens us. And when something scares and threatens us, we judge it, attack it, try to destroy it. It’s the way we are.”
“And the people of Kinross Green did everything they could to try to destroy the Vonsahlans. They couldn’t hurt the Vonsahlans any more than a mosquito can sting a Sherman tank. And it turned out it wasn't Achthar and Nahvog that were the real danger.”
“No. There were other things out there. Things that really would attack Earth
and hurt humans if they had a chance.” Macy turned from the mirror to the heroic-looking naked man behind her. “There they were, stranded on a world where the natives were terrified of them. And the people in Kinross Green had no idea what they should really be terrified of.”
“That’s right,” said Aaron. “The Vonsahlans weren’t the monsters. The real monsters were out there in the space between the dimensions and on the worlds in the other universes. And the longer Achthar and Nahvog stayed on Earth repairing their dimension ship, the more Earth faced danger of those things coming through, attracted by the energy signature of the Vonsahlan ship. They had to take a gamble, a risk that could be as dangerous to Earth as what was lurking out there. Luckily, there were a few people in Kinross Green who figured out that since Achthar and Nahvog never tried to retaliate when they were attacked, maybe they weren’t evil; maybe they might even be friendly. And the Vonsahlans used their technology to change those brave few who were able to think through their fears. They became the first of us, who helped Achthar and Nahvog escape Earth—and helped them fight off the Vonsahlans’ enemies.”
“And those,” said Macy, “were the first Nathairfear.”
“Yes, they were.”
Macy looked Aaron’s breathtaking nakedness up and down, admiring him all the more in light of the story of his people’s origins. “Aaron…” she began.
“You know…I’ve seen all of you that there is to see—this way…”
“You sure have. You’ve more than seen me.” He winked sexily at her. “And if I dare say so myself, you’ve had a hell of a good time so far.”
“I have,” she agreed.
“And you’ll have a hell of a lot more good times still, before I’m through with you.” He took his wonderful, monstrous root and shook it at her, and cocked his eyebrows at her, and it lengthened and grew partly stiff at the suggestion of what he meant to go on doing to her.
“But…” Macy started, her eyes darting between his loins and his eyes.
“But what?” Aaron asked.
“But…so far, I’ve only seen you…this way.”
Aaron understood. “Oh…right. You haven’t seen my other shape, have you?”
“Well, I have,” she said, “in pictures from your modeling career. But we’ve been as intimate as two people can get, and I haven’t seen…”
“…my other shape in person,” he finished for her. “You want a look at me in my other birthday suit.”
Macy simply nodded. “Yes.”
Aaron whipped the towel from over his shoulders and tossed it away onto the foot of the bed, where the sheets were still in a tangled disarray from their thrashing about and his mad humping. “Well, we can make that happen right now,” he said.
Macy watched him change. The transformation from man to man-dragon was something she had certainly seen before, many times, in the days and nights she had spent with her former lover. But there was something even more wondrous about seeing it happen with the body of Aaron Bedford, whose body and tool had taken her to new worlds of pleasure as surely as his ancestors had flung themselves through unknown worlds. She watched his human skin break out into scales, his hands and feet turn to taloned extremities, his neck lengthen, his pecs and abs and the front of his neck become rows of scaly, shiny bluish-green plates. She watched the wings extend from his back like the limbs of a tree growing in accelerated motion, and the membranes of his wings appearing like the mighty sails of some ancient ship. She watched the tail drop from his lower back to the floor, its underside plated like his chest and neck. And she saw his human head morph to a massive reptilian one, with a long, blunt snout and fantastic horns. Aaron, morphed to a creature both dragon and man, blinked at her with reptilian eyes. His voice lowered slightly in pitch and took on a rasping quality, a human voice issuing from a reptile’s throat. “So, this is it. This is what some of my ancestors became to help Achthar and Nahvog protect Earth from their enemies. And this is the way they stayed after the Vonsahlans were gone. And some of us still carry on what our ancestors started, protecting Earth from what could still be out there, looking for a chance to come back.”
“It’s been so many years,” Macy said. “Do you think it’s still possible for those creatures to come back?”
“Well, like I said, there are some of us who stand watch, guarding the technology that the Vonsahlans had to leave behind because of their people’s laws of exploration. And a lot of us believe someday the Vonsahlans will come back themselves—either Achthar and Nahvog, or others. For some of us, it’s like a kind of religion, like the way humans believe in gods or Messiahs coming back. There are prophecies about it, the Vonsahlans coming back, and there are those of us who wait for it, expect it, just like humans wait for their Messiahs.”
“But what about you?” Macy asked seriously. “Do you think they’ll come back?”
“I’ve thought about it,” Aaron replied. “Since they came once, they could come again, anytime. We protect the Beacon that they left behind, which is their law; they have to leave a marker on every world they visit, in case they have to return. The Beacon is to guide them across the dimensions back here. We have our own authorities that guard that beacon and make sure no one but us gets their hands on it. We even guard it against each other. Most of us don’t even know where the Beacon is kept. It’s not in Kinross Green; it’s in a secret location. No human knows where it is, that’s for damn sure. There’s power in that thing—power that shouldn’t be out in the world, like so many human weapons. We protect that power, and that protects…well, everything.”
“We’re lucky to have you,” said Macy.
“And we’re lucky,” said Aaron, “that we could find humans to trust us the way some of the people of Kinross Green trusted Achthar and Nahvog.” Shaking his dragon head slightly, he released his dragon form, and Macy watched the process of his transformation reverse itself, the proud, powerful reptile giving way to the infinitely sexy naked man. “You want to hear something really interesting?” he asked.
“What’s that?”
“It’s a fact that a lot of people don’t know about reptiles. Did you know that where a male human has one, a male reptile—a lizard or a snake—has two?”
Macy furrowed her brow. “Two…?”
And again, he took the thick vine at his loins and gave it a little shake.
Macy widened her eyes, understanding. “Really? Then that means, when you change into a full dragon, not a part-human, part-dragon…”
“Like a real male dragon would have…I have two dicks!”
She raised a hand to her mouth, gasping. Keeping her hand there and looking at him through still-widened eyes, she broke into an amazed, astonished laugh. Then, with her hand at her bosom, she found her voice through laughter. “Oh my God! You’re enough of a handful with just one! I can’t imagine you with two!”
“Yeah,” he grinned, “that’s something human females don’t get to experience about us. When we f..k a female of our own kind, that’s when they both come into play.”
Macy looked off, her laughter diminishing to chuckles of continued amazement. “So, you’re twice the fun of a human man when you’re in this shape, which means you must be four times as much fun when you go full dragon. Your females obviously have way, way more endurance than a human woman would have.”
“If you really want to know,” said Aaron, “sometimes it’s all we can do to keep up with them. Believe me, they can take everything we give and more.”
“I guess they’d have to be able to.” She gazed into his eyes. “I hope I’m as good for you as…one of your own.”
A sweet, tender look came over Aaron. He held out a hand to her. “Come here,” he said.
She went to him, and he wrapped her up in his phenomenal human arms. Aaron put Macy’s head against his chest and said, “I have no complaints. Not one damn bit. You’ve been everything I want, every single damn time. I want so much more of you, Macy, and I�
�m gonna get it.” He lifted her face to meet his and kissed her. She could feel the genuine affection in his kiss, and she returned it. “Laying you so far, it’s just been a warm-up. We still have most of two days together, and I’m gonna make the most of them on top of you. You’ll see.” He kissed her again, telling her he meant it.
Aaron held her there, and Macy drank in the magnificence of his body pressed against hers. She knew he would be every bit as good as his word, and that by Monday morning she would lose herself in his body and the way their bodies felt together.
“One more time before breakfast,” Aaron said, kissing her. He picked her up from the floor, and she instinctively wrapped her arms and legs around him, letting him carry her back across the room to the bed, across which he spilled her. Aaron stripped the robe from her and tossed it to one side of the bed. He hitched Macy’s legs around his waist and moved his renewed erection into her. Macy sighed and moaned under him, her whole body singing with the feeling of his colossal rod penetrating her, pumping in and out of her once more. There was something different about the way Aaron did it to her this time. He did it slowly, deliberately, making every deep stroke of his huge tool something to savor even more than all the other times he’d taken her. His groans and grunts on top of her sounded every bit as full of desire and lust as ever, but there was a subtly different quality about them now, a quality that compelled Macy all the more to give herself into his sex. He brought her to climax this time by grinding himself in circles against her pleasure button while holding his length all the way inside her. Macy’s almost howling sound when her moment arrived, and the warm tingle that rose from her body into his, were Aaron’s reward. He responded with a warm flood into her, and Macy imagined the slippery deluge coming from the tip of his tool inside her. With a profane expression of satisfaction, Aaron stayed lying on top of her, pumping away until his shaft was too soft to go on—for now.